On the bottle: "Rheingau Spätburgunder troken 2010"
Rheingau is the region the wine is from, the Rhine district, troken means dry, and Spätburgunder is the varietal, which is the same as Pinot Noir.
250mL, 12.5% Alc. by vol, free from some hotel in Germany
I got this wine from my boyfriend after he returned from a New Years trip to Germany. It was a free gift in his hotel room. At first I felt that it had very little flavor. I had put it in the refrigerator briefly, so I let it warm and breath a bit in the glass. As I drank the last of it I noticed a bit more acidity and an almost smokiness to it. Pinot Noirs do tend to be light or medium bodied, so this could just be a characteristic of this wine. As a freebie wine goes this one was nothing to complain about. I doubt I'll ever see this wine to purchase, but it was a nice drink. I had a few slices of Pink Lady apple with this and that was a great pairing.
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