On the bottle: The Riserva us produced only in very good vintages, from a selection of the best grapes.
It is composed of 95% Sangiovese and 5% colorino. This wine is released after a minimum of 30 months of aging.
750mL, 13.5% Alc. by vol, HEB, $11.99
I have bought 2 bottle of this wine now, and I am finally getting around to reviewing it. One bottle got downed at the New Years party, and I barely even got to try it! I finally bought another bottle for review. Like most Chianti, this is very easy to drink, and goes perfectly with tomato sauce. I love a good earthy, dry Chianti and this one did not disappoint. Because it's a Riserva it must be aged at least 2 years in wood and 3 months in bottle before being sold. This aging really adds to the complexity of flavor. This one reminds me of plum and dark chocolate. It is very dark and will dye your mouth dark purple, so be careful! I will be buying more of this for sure.